
Umbrella Schools

What We Offer
Umbrella schools provide great value in satisfying needs for many homeschoolers. Academic Excellence (AE) is proud to offer a program specifically tailored for umbrella schools, which allows the schools to make use of our products and services based upon the existing policies of the school. Whether utilizing achievement tests, ID cards, diplomas, or any combination, umbrella schools can benefit from the high quality provided by AE at a very cost effective price.

The Value
Through the AE Umbrella School Program, umbrella schools can choose to utilize any of the AE products and services, including achievement testing, student and faculty ID cards, and official diplomas. Each of these products and services can be customized to represent the identity of the umbrella school and can be easily incorporated into the existing practices and policies of the school. Our discounts for umbrella schools make cost savings a reality while AE does the "heavy lifting" in order to provide these services, so that the schools can focus on how they want our services implemented and our products customized.

The Convenience
AE understands that umbrella schools vary widely in their policies and practices, and as such we have designed every product and every service to be flexible and customizable to the needs of the school. Our goal is to provide to the school a product that they can be proud to offer their students within the most convenient process for the school. Contact us now and receive a free sample California Achievement Test, ID card, or diploma and see how convenient and professional our products and services are.

pdf-25.jpg Group Ordering
pdf-25.jpg CAT Brochure

More Information
For more information please contact