
ONLINE California Achievement Test: Reading Only, TIMED

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The California Achievement Test (CAT) is one of the most widely used of the student assessments for basic academic skills. The CAT provides educators, students and their parents with a measure of achievement and national comparison. This version of the California Achievement Test covers strictly reading skills and is intended for parents and educators who would like to focus their efforts on assessing a student's progress in this area. This is an excellent tool for measuring growth throughout the school year or addressing an opportunity for growth. If you would prefer the complete CAT, covering reading, language, and mathematics, please click here.

Meeting most state and umbrella school requirements for annual testing, the California Achievement Test offered by Academic Excellence provides insight into students' scholastic progress by scoring grade equivalency, percentile ranking, and stanine. Click here for an explanation of the scores.

Benefits of utilizing Academic Excellence online achievement testing include:

â—¦   Reliable and up-to-date results based on biannual norming

â—¦   Freedom to test according to your schedule

â—¦   No bachelor’s degree required for test administration

â—¦   Flexibility to divide tests into multiple sessions, as needed

â—¦   Our tests do not expire

â—¦   Stress free testing with complete proctoring by the online system

â—¦   Immediate scores and results

â—¦   24/7 access to tests and results

â—¦   Printable results

â—¦   Device friendly; access using desktop, laptop, and/or tablet with no scrolling necessary to take the test

â—¦   Professionally developed and produced with the permission of the original publisher

â—¦   Widely recognized and accepted by state and local educational agencies

Certificate of Completion:

As an added value to our customers, Academic Excellence is pleased to provide a free, printable certificate of achievement to all students who complete an AE California Achievement Test.  You can view a sample of the certificate here.


Ordering Instructions:

â—¦   Student First Name - Enter the first name of the student to be tested in the space provided.

â—¦   Student Last Name - Enter the last name of the student to be tested in the space provided.

â—¦   Grade Level - If you are testing in the middle of school year, select the student's current grade level. If you are testing at the end of school year or between school years, select the next grade level for the student; not the student's past grade level.

â—¦   Add to Cart - Enter information for one student only, then select the Add to Cart button.

Once you have placed your California Achievement Test purchase with Academic Excellence, you will receive both an order confirmation and an email containing the user name and password to log into the Academic Excellence education portal. Please allow up to twenty minutes to receive this email and check your spam folder if you do not receive the email.


If you wish to purchase testing services for another student, or wish to make other purchases, select the Continue Shopping link after viewing your shopping cart. 

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